Openly about their everyday
Typically, all such proceedings, whether in the above committee or the Special Senate Committee on Intelligence, will be closed to the press. This time the taboo was lifted to the media, since hearings are in the general reports of U.S. intelligence and spetsorganov (about 16 agencies, departments and agencies engaged in intelligence and counterintelligence), dedicated to 10th anniversary of the tragedy of 9 / 11. They started in September and now coming to an end.
Not that Mueller said something sensational. In the last couple of years, Washington has always scolds China for its behavior in cyberspace. Russia also falls. But now Iran was in the company for the first time.
Beijing, for example, was accused of hacking into Google in early 2010. The Americans have hinted that the Chinese government structure, but the suppression of control over the Internet, and engaged in electronic espionage. That led not just to the big annoyance, and even diplomatic notes of protest from the Middle Kingdom.
Mueller singled out Russia and China, first as the main violators kibergranits U.S. and most notorious violators of decency and the global rules of conduct in the global electronic environment. And then, as if in passing, added to them Iran (exact words Mueller - "perhaps it is also Iran"), naming all three countries about which the FBI more than just an alarm.
Mueller did not elaborate accusations and did not explain when and how the main reasons for cyber-offenders who pose a special threat to the United States, adding, and Iran. Although, as we know, the Iranians are supplying the world in recent years of very talented programmers.
At the hearing on October 6, he mentioned Russia only once, but China has got thoroughly as his chief FBI identified separately. And told us that since 2006 the FBI has a few dozen cases and is investigating several dozen cases of economic espionage, "exfiltration of information from the network and others like it," which involved "associated with China's people."
According to Muller, the fight against cyber-attacks on the United States remains "one of the highest priorities of the FBI for many years to come."
On combating terrorism, the Internet, and electronic espionage kiberpiratstvom as a new kind of threat to U.S. national security, said more in National Security Strategy of the United States in 2006 under George Bush, and was confirmed in the new National Security Strategy, which in May 2010 announced Barack Obama.
A special place in the FBI Mueller
Like any other department, make a slip and skip the preparation of the monstrous 9 / 11, the FBI should expand "space threat" to justify spending allocated by Congress and state building. And Muller, for that matter - is no exception.
Although he is something just for this misses the FBI has nothing to do.
In his 65 years of Robert Muller - the only one of the top leaders in the U.S. national security, who remained in office after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. All others were replaced, retired or were reassigned. Mueller became FBI director just one week before the attack on New York. He took the post of September 4, 2001 under George Bush and then moved to the legacy of Obama.
This summer, Obama asked Congress to extend his powers for another two years. What Congress did without delay and with almost complete unanimity, and the Democrats and Republicans. This is already a precedent. The fact that after his death in 1972, the J. Edgar Hoover, who led the FBI 48 years and turned into an instrument of his own office policies and surveillance of opponents, including U.S. presidents, Congress by law in 1976 limited the stay of the FBI director in office for no more than one 10. Mueller made for a legislative exemption.
Now Mueller, after Hoover's second chief FBI longevity.
I must say that the ex-Marine, a graduate of Princeton and New York University, School of Law at the University of Virginia, the federal district attorney of California, deputy U.S. Attorney General, the Office learned to respect for their professionalism.
It was Mueller oversaw the case against the former Panamanian dictator, General Noriega's drug trafficking in protection rackets, the investigation of terrorist attack on the ship "Pan Am" over Lockerbie in Scotland in 1988. He led and won a lot of corruption, financial fraud, terrorism, drug trafficking.
When the FBI has increased the number of Miiller to more than 30 thousand people, including 13 thousand special agent in the field, three thousand and 17.5 thousand razvedanalitikov experts in all areas of criminology.
A budget office to current, 2012 fiscal year (it starts in the U.S. in October) will be 8.1 billion dollars. Mueller is now not only survive until the next presidential election, but if Obama wins, will, and was director for it.