President Obama will not have to fight in the 2012 election with a woman, but that he would not be easier. Likely to be heavier.
This was the last adjustment list Republican candidates, one in November 2012 will try to beat the first black president in U.S. history, the White House.
Actually, now that the Republicans left five serious contenders. The list - Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a businessman Herman Cain, Congressman from Texas Ron Paul and kongressmensha Michele Bachmann. The latter is sometimes called "the new Palin," although, by and large, to compare it to "combat Sara" - equated it with a flashlight spotlight.
While a small margin in the list of leading Romney and Perry. And most likely, the future of this leadership will be November, and Republicans will have to choose from this two.
Sarah "in the margin" is more important than Sarah's list
The paradox is that Sarah Palin is at the forefront of the national list (not to mention Palin, an official candidate) Obama would be much easier to defend the White House than Sarah Palin in a "free flight".
In the fields of the Republican campaign, it could bring more harm to Obama, mobilizing the masses to support the doubters Republicans than at the head of the campaign. Since the 2008 election, Sarah has become famous, to put it mildly, poor knowledge of foreign policy, geography, unbalanced, ill-considered statements, long tongue, aggressive and untrained memory. But a very powerful right-wing political fervor.
With these qualities are rarely presidents. But with just such qualities are often very skilled propagandists and helpful. The lack of official status of the presidential candidate gives the opportunity to talk with voters in his own language, on the right topic, no conventions of etiquette. Freedom of everything. Just the fact that Sarah loves and appreciates America.
As she put it in one of the first radio interview after the disappearance of the race, "when you have removed from the shackles, you can be much more active."
We ought to take care of oneself in advance to President Obama. Few people manage to escape without damage from the abrasive language of Sarah.
Not that Palin would love to see the official Republican candidate. On the contrary, in all opinion polls among Republicans and sympathetic, the president of something it just did not want to. This right militancy and uncompromising, like Sarah, usually discourages voters. Still, the White House needed someone calm. Tops of the party and did consider it a catastrophe.
Now that Sarah is not in the list and "no chains" want it all on his side - of such convenient instruments of political sin to refuse.
It is so easy to understand, clearly and simply outlines the need to stop the "fundamental transformation" of America into a kind of socialism under Obama and restore "our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic," that anything else will not want to. Simple recipes for the treatment of complex diseases are always accepted with incredible ease.
Therefore now at pre-election margins have already begun the hunt for Palin. All candidates were quick to send her letters and complementary expressed the hope that it will be friends and allies in the fight for the Republican advantage. Everybody understands: on which side rebellious spirit-conservative Sarah, will be provided to a very large block of votes.
Election 2012 set a new record for spending
Mid-October in the U.S. - the time in an election year when candidates have to pass the Federal Election Commission records of the donations received in their election campaigns. In America, has always been so: who collects more, the better chance of becoming president. But now something has changed.
On the Republican side is the full campaign chest until Governor Rick Perry. He has collected in the third quarter to the needs of the campaign about $ 18 million, Romney has received $ 14 million and Paul - $ 8 million question, mind you, is only about the quarterly fees.
I must say that since last year, financing of election campaigns in the United States has undergone a subtle mere mortal, but very significant changes.
In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that any corporations and unions may be allocated to the political activity of any funds and promote their policies through either parties, or specific ideas. But it is not in any way to coordinate its outreach activities with the election campaigns of candidates.
Discover and strengthen a loophole in the legislation, which is still strictly limit individual contributions to election campaigns of candidates who could only be very resourceful people. Still not in vain in the United States advocates the bread they eat, and Washington in the number of lawyers per square mile, ranks first in the world.
This year, the U.S. has already increased the so-called super PAC (the first letters of Political Action Committee), political action committees, which operate in support of the idea of candidates. These have been and Barack Obama, and Perry, and Romney. These lobbying organizations that focus on one candidate, but did not formally give him any money, opened a whole additional funding river.
PAC called Make Us Great Again ("Show us the greatness") in support of programs and policies created by former Perry Chief of Staff, and by the end of autumn, he intends to raise $ 55 million and this is not the only committee "for Perry." There are already dozens.
So going to campaign in the country will probably be spent much more money than it ever since. But the last presidential campaign of 2008 was a record of it spent on the amounts. Obama was then the record - only one individual donations he has collected $ 664.8 million In comparison to Bush's re-election at a cost of year 2004 of $ 367.2 million, or $ 5.9 per vote. Obama has already had to pay for the voice of more than $ 9.