Dolgoe thought that the Russian CRM market is much like an American, but five, ten years ago. Today, however, the lag is almost imperceptible.
The epigraph to the material could well serve as a well-known proverb, "A holy place is never empty." Folkloric line is long, but we can talk about something else. CRM systems on the market in Russia has become crowded, the number of suppliers over the last couple of years more than doubled. But perhaps this growth has led to a qualitative component - the players are too different and too divergent comments from customers about their work. However, for the global CRM - a practice familiar situation that confirms "growing up" of the Russian customer: now he knows that he wants to get for your money.
For a number of predictions that the worldwide market CRM - Applications for 2008 will grow to $ 11.4 billion, while its aggregate rate of annual growth in 2004-2008 was 8.9%. Domestic market belongs to 1% of the world, but taking into account the significant role of Russia in other markets, we can assume that in the near future the proportion will rise significantly.
Estimates of the volume of the market vary widely, but most experts agree on the figures, $ 20-40 million annual increase of 25-30%, and for individual products is much higher. It seems that these rates will continue at least until 2010.
Obviously, the market became more developed, he has a clear structure of the supply of products and solutions. If two or three years ago to buy only the software, but now the growth is due, above all, the consumption of services to implement CRM as a business concept.
In the next two years will be segmentation, as well as any industry preference. And here begins the fun part: fierce competition, the allocation of new areas, such as the provision of support services for embedded solutions, or providing CRM - solutions based on ASP - services that may be able to eventually attract up to one third of the total turnover of the market.On the trends
So, today, more and more executives aware that CRM - systems are no longer just a fashion, and allow the companies to implement critical functions. In some industries, such as retail, without CRM - system is not possible to efficient economic activity.
In addition, the constantly increasing demand for industry-specific solutions. Today virtually every home developer or integrator offering solutions specifically designed for a specific type of enterprise. Typically, this means that the company introduced the product to several companies of similar business and has experience in solving specific industry problems, which can be applied in the implementation of CRM. Thus repeated the principle "from general to specific", is widely used by Soviet designers and manufacturing automation control systems.
Naturally, with an increase in the number of projects in a particular industry specialized CRM - solutions are becoming more efficient.
However, there is this negative trend and. Thus, increasingly there are concerns that Russia will soon begin to rise in the level of frustration for its industry-CRM - solutions. Indeed, many vendors offer vertical solutions, because in some cases without them can not do. Very often, these solutions are identical in functionality. And partners in Russia, seeking to establish a precedent in the sales industry to compete on price, that sooner or later will lead to dumping. That, in turn, will lead to cuts in resources devoted to working with the staff client and / or to adapt solutions to meet specific requirements. As a consequence, the quality of projects can be seriously reduced. So, will not properly match the customer's expectations.
However, this is the future. Today we have a strong interest in mobile applications for sales. They are especially attractive to distribution companies and regional managers, who often work away from home. Many builders say hype for such decisions. The reason is clear: now the number of new partnerships repeatedly increases and, consequently, the introduction of mobile applications brings a quick profit.
As for the model ASP, in which providers and integrators have high expectations in the way of its dissemination, a number of obstacles. The reason is that in Russia the supply of services to applications is virtually absent, due to the ratio of enterprise security issues. Fears of losing information about the customer base and the nuances of relationship with her - really a very serious barrier.
But we can not exclude the issues of flexibility and price kastomizirovaniya. In fact rented a decision is not so cheap (compared with acquired) - a monthly price of one license can be $ 65-100, or $ 780-1200 per year, which is almost comparable to the purchase price of the license, but in a large selection of inexpensive IT - Professional practically negates the benefits of the lease.
Another important detail is too much functionality, even when quality CRM implementation is rather negative point. Indeed, excess functional require substantial expenditure to clarify end users of its internal logic and the adequacy of the ideas laid the final result. Therefore, the risk of unnecessary costs a lot of extra features - which can interfere with and implementation of the system - is high.
In this light the question of competition of systems of local developers and suppliers in the world gets a new color. Market experts point out that the success of local systems is defined, above all, a combination of effects really needed at a reasonable budget and timeline of implementation. On the other hand, the use of national systems limits the ability of the project (of course, if required). Application of the same systems from foreign suppliers involves the active development of tools and features, upgrade solutions for all stages of its use, it is important for large, fast growing companies, but minor for small and medium-sized businesses.
Largely for this reason the western vendors are not interested in lower price segment (cost of the licenses at 100-400. AU), in which Russian designers just are most active, and the level of domestic development while still far short of Western solutions. Of course, foreign vendors are trying to cooperate with the sector of small and medium-sized businesses, but even the notion of "small business" at home and abroad is different. Spend on high-quality automation sales of several thousand dollars is quite normal for a foreign customer, we are also investing in IT can afford, not all business.CRM out of the box?
Our survey showed that the effect of the introduction of the so-called «box» CRM - systems are often assessed as negative. The bottom line is that the idea of CRM does not involve "the box" approach.
The company's strategy can not be defined "box", introducing her people. It's the people - executives, managers and ordinary employees who are interested in implementing CRM - strategy, together with consultants and technical specialists strive to breathe life into the software and create the necessary CRM - a system for the company. The company just buys lottery decision and planning to introduce their own product, would realize that it will require its employees significantly more effort than promote, together with the consultants. And practice proves that the probability of successful completion of the project on its own customers is low.
Despite this, the "box" solutions are quite popular today. Largely due to its low cost. Most likely, the term "box" system will be required only to small businesses. Companies also with the staff more than 1,000 people and a huge customer base these decisions are unlikely to fit, as formalized processes for such enterprises, they can not work on the pattern.
Also in Russia, many companies are developing dynamically, and it means expanding the state and changes in approaches to business management. As a consequence, CRMsistema must adapt to changing business needs and grow with the business. "Box" for it is not capable of.On the other side
Who is the main consumer CRM - systems in Russia? Judging from the responses received, a range of customers is very wide. Conditional market customers CRM - systems can be divided into three parts: small companies (up to 50 people in the state prefer to "box" solutions), large organizations (which usually requires a comprehensive solution to CRM - the module) and medium-sized enterprises. In this case it is the latter are now key customers.
With regard to industries, the most active companies operating in a highly competitive market or in emerging markets: telecommunications, publishing and advertising business, investment and insurance business, automotive, financial institutions.
Today, customers more responsible attitude solutions. Increasingly, organized tenders, internal project teams are formed for the selection of such solutions, and many customers are even willing to articulate goals that are set for CRM - project. Overall, however, serious calculations of the efficiency of CRM - customer management system practically does not hold, relying mostly on market trends and their intuition.CRM on the market, SMB: whether to wait for the boom?
A considerable part of small and medium-sized businesses are already using in one way or another primary function of CRM - at least in the form of address books or their own development, for example, organized a certain way databases. Another thing is that a systematic approach to this information and customer-oriented business processes does not always exist.
Companies SMB - market, due to limited budget, try to correctly dispose of the funds available and the issue of CRM - this is essentially an internal matter of priority firms. As soon comes the understanding that the customer is the core asset of the company - and sell is often more important than to make - SMB - companies are beginning to show keen interest in CRM - systems.
On the other hand, sales growth solutions, improving education in the field of CRM, growing interest of companies SMB - the market for thematic activities, said the positive dynamics of the CRM market in this segment.
On the potential of the market suggests at least the fact that an SMB in Russia can be attributed more than 1.5 million firms, which means that the SMB is only a beginning.What customers are waiting?
Consumer expectations - one of the finest moments in the sale and implementation. Sometimes the introduction of CRM - a system means the complete automation of the business. Which is good, but at the same time introduce an, accounting, financial, management systems and CRM - the module is very difficult, especially in the organization of small and medium businesses, as this is necessary to change processes in a company that virtually paralyzed the business activities.
So the first thing to do - to help the client to build an implementation plan, set priorities in solving problems, to give a tentative proposal for the cost of the project and its possible implementation. It is important to initially adjust expectations, which in itself is not easy, because the goal - this is formalized customer expectations, which in the end the customer will evaluate the success of the project implementation.
Throughout the project for implementation of CRM - the system should return to the objectives and work with them (to correct, amend, supplement). Only by adhering to this scheme, we can understand the needs, desires, and adjust the expectations of the client.
In general, customers' expectations are largely dependent on their level of competence and competence of suppliers. The company's management must be prepared to implement CRM - systems and consider all the difficulties and risks they may encounter when implementing the project. At the same time the consultants provider to monitor the situation and have the strength to refuse to implement, if it would be more prudent. Success depends on how seriously the company to the project.
However, high-quality technology platform - the last term success, but without well-implemented CRM - functionality that is integrated with existing IP, it is impossible to enforce the challenges facing the client. Therefore, customers are waiting in the first place, that CRM will help to make more money. Several years ago the problem was solved by selling exclusive products (due to lack of competition) or the best product on the market. Today, in addition to high quality products and services requires an adequate quality of service.
When choosing a system is often compared to customers convenience interface and functionality in sales, marketing and service. Also, pay attention to the presence of experts and technicians bizneskonsultantov in the state of IT - the company, project duration, the number of successful projects, the possibility of further support and system settings, if necessary, as well as cost of ownership.As an epilogue. Instructive
Dare to give advice to a company that is going to implement a CRM - system. After listening to the beautiful presentation come to the office of the supplier and insist on showing the work of CRM - a system under realistic conditions, with an emphasis on the use in everyday life of the firm offered to you at the presentation of methods and solutions. We are more than confident that the success of a supplier depends on its rate of development methodologies.
The epigraph to the material could well serve as a well-known proverb, "A holy place is never empty." Folkloric line is long, but we can talk about something else. CRM systems on the market in Russia has become crowded, the number of suppliers over the last couple of years more than doubled. But perhaps this growth has led to a qualitative component - the players are too different and too divergent comments from customers about their work. However, for the global CRM - a practice familiar situation that confirms "growing up" of the Russian customer: now he knows that he wants to get for your money.
For a number of predictions that the worldwide market CRM - Applications for 2008 will grow to $ 11.4 billion, while its aggregate rate of annual growth in 2004-2008 was 8.9%. Domestic market belongs to 1% of the world, but taking into account the significant role of Russia in other markets, we can assume that in the near future the proportion will rise significantly.
Estimates of the volume of the market vary widely, but most experts agree on the figures, $ 20-40 million annual increase of 25-30%, and for individual products is much higher. It seems that these rates will continue at least until 2010.
Obviously, the market became more developed, he has a clear structure of the supply of products and solutions. If two or three years ago to buy only the software, but now the growth is due, above all, the consumption of services to implement CRM as a business concept.
In the next two years will be segmentation, as well as any industry preference. And here begins the fun part: fierce competition, the allocation of new areas, such as the provision of support services for embedded solutions, or providing CRM - solutions based on ASP - services that may be able to eventually attract up to one third of the total turnover of the market.On the trends
So, today, more and more executives aware that CRM - systems are no longer just a fashion, and allow the companies to implement critical functions. In some industries, such as retail, without CRM - system is not possible to efficient economic activity.
In addition, the constantly increasing demand for industry-specific solutions. Today virtually every home developer or integrator offering solutions specifically designed for a specific type of enterprise. Typically, this means that the company introduced the product to several companies of similar business and has experience in solving specific industry problems, which can be applied in the implementation of CRM. Thus repeated the principle "from general to specific", is widely used by Soviet designers and manufacturing automation control systems.
Naturally, with an increase in the number of projects in a particular industry specialized CRM - solutions are becoming more efficient.
However, there is this negative trend and. Thus, increasingly there are concerns that Russia will soon begin to rise in the level of frustration for its industry-CRM - solutions. Indeed, many vendors offer vertical solutions, because in some cases without them can not do. Very often, these solutions are identical in functionality. And partners in Russia, seeking to establish a precedent in the sales industry to compete on price, that sooner or later will lead to dumping. That, in turn, will lead to cuts in resources devoted to working with the staff client and / or to adapt solutions to meet specific requirements. As a consequence, the quality of projects can be seriously reduced. So, will not properly match the customer's expectations.
However, this is the future. Today we have a strong interest in mobile applications for sales. They are especially attractive to distribution companies and regional managers, who often work away from home. Many builders say hype for such decisions. The reason is clear: now the number of new partnerships repeatedly increases and, consequently, the introduction of mobile applications brings a quick profit.
As for the model ASP, in which providers and integrators have high expectations in the way of its dissemination, a number of obstacles. The reason is that in Russia the supply of services to applications is virtually absent, due to the ratio of enterprise security issues. Fears of losing information about the customer base and the nuances of relationship with her - really a very serious barrier.
But we can not exclude the issues of flexibility and price kastomizirovaniya. In fact rented a decision is not so cheap (compared with acquired) - a monthly price of one license can be $ 65-100, or $ 780-1200 per year, which is almost comparable to the purchase price of the license, but in a large selection of inexpensive IT - Professional practically negates the benefits of the lease.
Another important detail is too much functionality, even when quality CRM implementation is rather negative point. Indeed, excess functional require substantial expenditure to clarify end users of its internal logic and the adequacy of the ideas laid the final result. Therefore, the risk of unnecessary costs a lot of extra features - which can interfere with and implementation of the system - is high.
In this light the question of competition of systems of local developers and suppliers in the world gets a new color. Market experts point out that the success of local systems is defined, above all, a combination of effects really needed at a reasonable budget and timeline of implementation. On the other hand, the use of national systems limits the ability of the project (of course, if required). Application of the same systems from foreign suppliers involves the active development of tools and features, upgrade solutions for all stages of its use, it is important for large, fast growing companies, but minor for small and medium-sized businesses.
Largely for this reason the western vendors are not interested in lower price segment (cost of the licenses at 100-400. AU), in which Russian designers just are most active, and the level of domestic development while still far short of Western solutions. Of course, foreign vendors are trying to cooperate with the sector of small and medium-sized businesses, but even the notion of "small business" at home and abroad is different. Spend on high-quality automation sales of several thousand dollars is quite normal for a foreign customer, we are also investing in IT can afford, not all business.CRM out of the box?
Our survey showed that the effect of the introduction of the so-called «box» CRM - systems are often assessed as negative. The bottom line is that the idea of CRM does not involve "the box" approach.
The company's strategy can not be defined "box", introducing her people. It's the people - executives, managers and ordinary employees who are interested in implementing CRM - strategy, together with consultants and technical specialists strive to breathe life into the software and create the necessary CRM - a system for the company. The company just buys lottery decision and planning to introduce their own product, would realize that it will require its employees significantly more effort than promote, together with the consultants. And practice proves that the probability of successful completion of the project on its own customers is low.
Despite this, the "box" solutions are quite popular today. Largely due to its low cost. Most likely, the term "box" system will be required only to small businesses. Companies also with the staff more than 1,000 people and a huge customer base these decisions are unlikely to fit, as formalized processes for such enterprises, they can not work on the pattern.
Also in Russia, many companies are developing dynamically, and it means expanding the state and changes in approaches to business management. As a consequence, CRMsistema must adapt to changing business needs and grow with the business. "Box" for it is not capable of.On the other side
Who is the main consumer CRM - systems in Russia? Judging from the responses received, a range of customers is very wide. Conditional market customers CRM - systems can be divided into three parts: small companies (up to 50 people in the state prefer to "box" solutions), large organizations (which usually requires a comprehensive solution to CRM - the module) and medium-sized enterprises. In this case it is the latter are now key customers.
With regard to industries, the most active companies operating in a highly competitive market or in emerging markets: telecommunications, publishing and advertising business, investment and insurance business, automotive, financial institutions.
Today, customers more responsible attitude solutions. Increasingly, organized tenders, internal project teams are formed for the selection of such solutions, and many customers are even willing to articulate goals that are set for CRM - project. Overall, however, serious calculations of the efficiency of CRM - customer management system practically does not hold, relying mostly on market trends and their intuition.CRM on the market, SMB: whether to wait for the boom?
A considerable part of small and medium-sized businesses are already using in one way or another primary function of CRM - at least in the form of address books or their own development, for example, organized a certain way databases. Another thing is that a systematic approach to this information and customer-oriented business processes does not always exist.
Companies SMB - market, due to limited budget, try to correctly dispose of the funds available and the issue of CRM - this is essentially an internal matter of priority firms. As soon comes the understanding that the customer is the core asset of the company - and sell is often more important than to make - SMB - companies are beginning to show keen interest in CRM - systems.
On the other hand, sales growth solutions, improving education in the field of CRM, growing interest of companies SMB - the market for thematic activities, said the positive dynamics of the CRM market in this segment.
On the potential of the market suggests at least the fact that an SMB in Russia can be attributed more than 1.5 million firms, which means that the SMB is only a beginning.What customers are waiting?
Consumer expectations - one of the finest moments in the sale and implementation. Sometimes the introduction of CRM - a system means the complete automation of the business. Which is good, but at the same time introduce an, accounting, financial, management systems and CRM - the module is very difficult, especially in the organization of small and medium businesses, as this is necessary to change processes in a company that virtually paralyzed the business activities.
So the first thing to do - to help the client to build an implementation plan, set priorities in solving problems, to give a tentative proposal for the cost of the project and its possible implementation. It is important to initially adjust expectations, which in itself is not easy, because the goal - this is formalized customer expectations, which in the end the customer will evaluate the success of the project implementation.
Throughout the project for implementation of CRM - the system should return to the objectives and work with them (to correct, amend, supplement). Only by adhering to this scheme, we can understand the needs, desires, and adjust the expectations of the client.
In general, customers' expectations are largely dependent on their level of competence and competence of suppliers. The company's management must be prepared to implement CRM - systems and consider all the difficulties and risks they may encounter when implementing the project. At the same time the consultants provider to monitor the situation and have the strength to refuse to implement, if it would be more prudent. Success depends on how seriously the company to the project.
However, high-quality technology platform - the last term success, but without well-implemented CRM - functionality that is integrated with existing IP, it is impossible to enforce the challenges facing the client. Therefore, customers are waiting in the first place, that CRM will help to make more money. Several years ago the problem was solved by selling exclusive products (due to lack of competition) or the best product on the market. Today, in addition to high quality products and services requires an adequate quality of service.
When choosing a system is often compared to customers convenience interface and functionality in sales, marketing and service. Also, pay attention to the presence of experts and technicians bizneskonsultantov in the state of IT - the company, project duration, the number of successful projects, the possibility of further support and system settings, if necessary, as well as cost of ownership.As an epilogue. Instructive
Dare to give advice to a company that is going to implement a CRM - system. After listening to the beautiful presentation come to the office of the supplier and insist on showing the work of CRM - a system under realistic conditions, with an emphasis on the use in everyday life of the firm offered to you at the presentation of methods and solutions. We are more than confident that the success of a supplier depends on its rate of development methodologies.