Analysis - Analyst

If we exclude from consideration here everything related to medical research (blood, etc, that we face from childhood, of course, without delving into the meaning of certain words), it is likely that for the first time I encountered the word "Analysis" in conjunction with the word "mathematical". And, since I was in a very advanced school (class was not true of mathematicians and physicists, but it does not matter), then with this concept, I faced up to the university - in the school. Although, in general, nowadays it is called higher mathematics and the school has not been studied. (Then I saw a school textbook with the title: "Algebra and the beginning of the analysis").
But I already had a notion. On our ekonomfake mathematics was general engineering - not a stripped-down, so the mathematical analysis or checkmate (so probably still say students), we studied quite seriously.
Next was the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, and there - a correlation, regression, variance, factor - a large variety of all sorts of tests.
Yet the notion of the term "analysis" of the walls of UPI was passed in conjunction with a specially studied subject (it is already on a 5 course), "Analysis of economic activity." It is this course we briefly dubbed "analysis", and I must say that the skills analysis techniques learned from the institute's course was really helpful, and often were used in the most unexpected situations. Moreover, it often seemed that the approaches (such as analysis of the dynamics, the influence of factors and much more - it's just the obvious things, and only the next moment comes to mind that I was taught it seriously).
Then, in connection with reading a lot of literature in the preparation of a thesis (just say - it did not happen, but this is when some other time), the understanding and the "analysis as a method of scientific knowledge" (of course, we talked about this in philosophy course, but at 2 course is not reached).
And now, in the late 80's we have heard the term "analysis" in conjunction with the former is very popular with the word "system" (because we designed the ACS) - words such as "systems analysis" (well, and "systems analyst").
The word "business" became widely used after the adjustment - in my view, too broad: everything has a business, do business. With regard to this concept, as well as many others, used not even a direct translation from English, and transcribing words in Russian letters.
I can not quote from: Konotopov PY
"Amazing transformation taking place with borrowed terms and transferable at transplant them to the Russian soil ...Most foreign-language terms and concepts at the border crossing of the Russian Federation begins to behave like villains from spy films of the Stalin era. It seems to be like them at all, but they stand out among other "person is not a common expression."They just become some sort of watery, washed-out so blurry. "
But here I will not to sink into "terminological jungle", and I can only say that now there is a "business", and with it - a "business analysis" and "business analyst".
And now take the opportunity provided by the Internet and give some definitions - the right, and scientific vocabulary, but before I knew slightly. The word "analysis" has always seemed so obvious that the desire to look at the encyclopedia (which stood on the shelf of course) never arose. But, says the proverb - better late ...
Encyclopedia Do not confine the link, but I note in the description of the important moments for me.
"ANALYSIS (from the Greek. Analysis - decomposition, dismemberment), mental process, and frequently also a real division of the object (phenomenon, process), the properties of an object (objects) or the relationship between objects into parts (attributes, properties, relations);
Analytical methods are so common in science, the term "analysis" is often synonymous with research in general as in the natural and the social sciences (quantitative and qualitative analysis in chemistry, diagnostic tests in medicine, the expansion of complex movements down into the mechanics, functional analysis in sociology, etc.). The analysis procedure consists of an organic part of any scientific study and generally make his first stage, when the researcher moves from undifferentiated descriptions of the object to identify its structure, composition, and its properties, and attributes. But at other levels of cognition analysis remains valid, although it already appears here in unity with other procedures of the study. Analytical procedures are among the top not only in scientific thinking, but in all activities as it related to the solution of cognitive tasks. As a cognitive process analysis study psychology, which considers it as a mental process, which takes place at different levels of reflection of reality in the brain of humans and animals, as well as epistemology and methodology of science, who view analysis primarily as one of the techniques (methods) to obtain new results of cognitive .
Man, like animals able to sensually and analysis, in contrast to animals, thought analysis, which is accomplished by means of concepts and judgments expressed in natural or artificial languages ​​(sign systems science). On the other hand, the analysis itself, together with other techniques, provides a means of forming ideas about reality.
There are several types of analysis as the reception of scientific thinking. One of them is a mental (and often, for example, in the experiment, and the real) division of the whole into parts. Such an analysis, identifying the structure (structure) of the whole, involves not only fixing parts that make up the whole, but also the establishment of relations between the parts. Particular importance is the case when the analyzed object is considered as representative of a class of objects: An analysis of this serves to establish the same (in terms of some relations) of the structure of objects of class that allows you to transfer the knowledge gained in the study of some subjects to others.
Another type of analysis is the Analysis of general properties of objects and relationships between objects when a property or relationship breaks up into its component properties or relations, some of them are subjected to further analysis, and diverted from other, at the next stage of the analysis may be subject to that from which the previously distracted, and etc. An analysis of the general properties of concepts and relations of them boil down to a more general and simple concepts.
Analysis is also kind of separation of classes (sets) of objects into subclasses - disjoint subsets of the set. This kind of analysis is called classification.
All these and other types of analysis are used as in obtaining new knowledge, and in a systematic exposition of the existing research results. "Analytics
In the past, I do not recall if we used that term for something else, so - just to dictionaries and other sources.
Analytical - (Greek analytike - art analysis) - the art of dissection of concepts, principles, basic principles by which the arguments become demonstrative character. Aristotle outlined the concept Analytics logical science section devoted to strict syllogistic reasoning. Analytics offering called the "sphere of activity, process and methodology of some analysis. In some cases, analysts also referred to as a result of some analysis. What kind of analysis, in what area he is, for what purpose - for the second question. "
What is NOT an intelligence:

Translate information from one format to another. For example, if you're having a numerical series data on sales of your store, build a sales chart for a year, this is not an analyst - you simply transferred the data from numeric format to the graphic. If you're on a schedule determined the presence of seasonality (received new information), this is similar to the analyst.
Insufficiently substantiated conclusions and speculations disguised as facts. At the same time forming hypotheses may well be part of the analysts, if they subsequently are checked for authenticity.
Ultimately, the analyst - is "an increase in information," better understanding of causality in this process or event.
But in an article entitled "What is analytics?" The notion of "Analytics" is reduced to the notion of "analysis": "To determine the exact answer to what the analyst to understand what is analysis? Moreover, this action is in itself already explains the essence of the concept of intelligence. After decomposition into components with a view to understanding the process and have a concept of intelligence and analysis. Already for a long time the question of what the analyst is treating it different, but the basic terminology remains the same. Getting the conclusions based on available data, processed in a special way, explains what the analyst. Analyst newspaper articles shows how the actual data, according to the subject, conducted the analysis correspond to reality. Therefore, to judge the accuracy of analysts, it is possible only in relation to the professionalism of the analyst (as you can call a specialist in analysis).
Another variant of the answer, what the analyst says - is a set of data having a specific structure and allows to fit any event occurring within the scope of available templates. It is very difficult and often arbitrary process, the accuracy of which depends primarily on how the rich assortment of samples to be compared "
Recently, the Internet book is laid out UV Konotopova "ANALYSIS: METHODOLOGY, TECHNOLOGY AND THE RESEARCH WORK", published in 2004. After reading in the preface that: "In fact, this book - it is the first Russian capital research is extremely important field of activity - intelligence as such." And that "... what you have to read - a kind of intellectual Eldorado ..." I am firmly established in its decision until The term "analyst" in the arguments are not used.And finally, Who is the analyst?
I already wrote that during the first ACS us - experts 'doprogrammistskoy' work - known as directors of the tasks (or directors). Among my acquaintances with a trade analyst was not, read about these, too, if not accounted for (at least in the memory not to touch). Just about every specialist - economist, a financier and producer tasks, too, must have been the methods of analysis.
What is written on this subject? Articles with the name of the analyst or in TSB or in Wikipedia was not found. And it seems like the field of "self": ANALYST - a specialist who owns the procedure of analysis involved in the analysis. Nevertheless, employment agencies sometimes formulated profession in general terms:
Analyst 'In this profession you can find a variety of positions: marketing analyst, financial analyst, an analyst at the securities market, investment analyst, systems analyst (business analyst) and others. Job Title Analyst is a versatile, an expert in this field can work, such as financial, investment companies, banks, consulting firms, brokerage firms, international corporations.
For applicants for the position of analyst employers impose quite stringent. Job requires the analyst, as a rule, higher education in economics / finance, statistics or information tehnologiy.Analitik should know methods of market analysis, basic statistics, have analytical skills, skills for working with large amounts of information. In global companies one of the main requirements of the analyst is the knowledge of foreign languages ​​and document the international standard for confirmation of the professional level.
Among the professional qualities of the analyst are the following: attentiveness, diligence, observation, structured and analytical thinking, good memory. "What conclusions can I draw from this brief and do not claim to great coverage options for the review?

General concepts will be treated in accordance with known entseklopidicheski described (listed above) formulations.
For the specific application of these concepts are always (or with a few exceptions) need to be determined, clarifying the scope of the general concept. And when considering the interpretation of concepts for future work with them in the formulation of what we agree on the future, we will specify the term analysis - what kind of analysis in question - the mathematical, chemical, or economic.

BUT! In this formulation, there should be no conflicts with the general notion of "analysis" (see A.1).

And, as already mentioned, in the subsequent arguments about the profession I will mainly use the concept of analysis and analyst (and definitions), and clarifying ideas about what it is and how to use. As for the notion of the analyst, without a specific need, I still enjoy them just will not (as well as in the past as something not so it I had to go).
Have something new? If yes, then the small crumbs. Nevertheless, experience shows that even things that seem completely obvious, it is necessary to pronounce - quite often they are obvious to different people in different ways. All the new is always accumulated bit by bit, but the sum in the bank.